We live in an era of franchise overload.

Most of the movies we get are either sequels or movies designed to eventually produce sequels. That’s led to some understandable moaning about the overall state of the movie industry. 2022 was no exception to this trend. This year, we saw the release of three Marvel movies, all sequels to established properties, as well as a slew of sequels to other long-running franchises.

What makes 2022 feel distinct, though, is that a lot of these sequels were actually pretty good. Take Top Gun: Maverick, a movie that seemed so misguided in its con…….

The Richard F. Brush Art Gallery will present Visual Thinking from January 18 to February 24, 2023. The exhibition features the work of Velma Bolyard, Kasarian Dane, Amy Hauber, Sarah Knobel, Liza Paige, Melissa Schulenberg, and Raymond Whalen.  The exhibition provides an opportunity for students and others to see faculty outside the classroom as professional artists in their own right. Each artist’s process reconsiders the form and function of her or his preferred medium(s). Their work establishes contemporary art’s relationship to traditional materials and how these known …….

Lots of NFT art collections nose-dived in this year’s crypto crash, but a well-stocked library will never lose its value. Museums, galleries and art institutions have not yet lost faith in high-quality print publications in this screened-out century, and even as venues for cultural debate keep shrinking — pour one out for Bookforum, the lively art-adjacent book review that shuttered this week — art publishing remains in fine fettle, with more titles every year than even the most committed bibliomaniac could peruse. My fellow critics and I have selected here…….

Although it is difficult, negotiating a debt consolidation on your own might save you money and time in comparison to working with a debt settlement firm. Self-help debt settlement entails you negotiating with your creditors directly in an attempt to resolve the debt for less than what you initially owed.

For previously past-due bills, the technique performs well. As missed payments mount, creditors can be amenable to a solution because a partial payment is preferable to none at all.

If you are at than 90 days behind on your p…….

I started 2021 by buying an 1885 hulk of a home, sight unseen, with visions of restoring its earlier grandeur. In almost two years, I’ve restored three of many rooms and tackled multiple smaller projects, by myself.

Do-it-yourself home improvements can save a lot of money, but that’s hardly the only reason to dive in. One in 4 homeowners took on DIY home improvement projects over the past two years because they like doing that kind of work themselves, according to the recent NerdWallet Home Improvement Report. I count myself among them. The joy of this work was instilled in me at…….

Due to the nature of my job, my gaming habits are a little unusual. I tend to chew through long games in short bursts for review purposes and spend the time in-between sampling as many smaller titles as I can. I’m the kind of person who wants to see everything gaming has to offer, and I strive to get my hands on an array of unique experiences. It’s rare that I come back to a game once I’ve put it down. Practically speaking, it just doesn’t fit my lifestyle.

Yet that was challenged this year by a little $5 video game: Vampire Survivors. I initially dove into it in February as …….


Survivors of the Club Q mass shooting directly tied Republicans’ rhetoric to the massacre at the Colorado LGBTQ nightclub and detailed their experiences on the night of the shooting, in prepared testimony read before the House Oversight and Reform committee Wednesday.

<p class="paragraph inl…….

Lake Erie wetland. Image: Michigan United Conservation Clubs.

By Anastasia Pirrami

Toxic algal blooms in western Lake Erie have begun to affect not only aquatic life but human economics.

A Michigan State University study estimates that up to $5.9 million annually in economic activity is lost in Michigan’s small portion of Lake Erie because of canceled angling trips due to harmful algal blooms.They are caused by agricultural and excess fertilizer runoff.

The study was commissioned by Michigan United Cons…….

Photo by Matt Sell

Winter is knocking and those who can dress warm have many fishing opportunities to indulge in through the season. The preseason stocking of trout is occurring, and fishing for tautog off Ocean City is good.

Many other species are available in waters across our state – check the online Maryland Guide to Fishing and Crabbing on the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website for more information. 

Forecast Summary: December 2022 – January 2023:

With water temperatures in the middle 40s, most Chesapeake Bay f…….

ST. CLOUD (WJON News) — A St. Cloud man can now add Emmy Award winner to his resume.

Steve Fines is the owner of Fines Aerial Imaging. One of his main jobs is working for Twin Cities Public Television. They recently won Emmys for two projects titled “Bring Her Home” and “Remembering Places”.

Fines says he’s been working with PBS for about six years now.

Twin Cities Public Television wanted consistency and also a degree of competence and quality and so they’ve hired me as their drone photographer. For all of their different production teams, I do the drone photography.</p…….