Lots of NFT art collections nose-dived in this year’s crypto crash, but a well-stocked library will never lose its value. Museums, galleries and art institutions have not yet lost faith in high-quality print publications in this screened-out century, and even as venues for cultural debate keep shrinking — pour one out for Bookforum, the lively art-adjacent book review that shuttered this week — art publishing remains in fine fettle, with more titles every year than even the most committed bibliomaniac could peruse. My fellow critics and I have selected here…….

Dec 15 (Reuters) – The hundreds of Russian drones hovering ominously over the Ukrainian battlefield owe their existence to an elastic, sanctions-evading supply chain that often runs through a shabby office above a Hong Kong marketplace, and sometimes through a yellow stucco home in suburban Florida.

<p data-testid="paragraph-1" class="text__text__1FZLe text__dark-grey__3Ml43 text__regular__2N1Xr tex…….

The United States has long needed regulatory clarity for rules governing Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or drones, for federal, state, local, and tribal governments to give drone manufacturers and operators the certainty they need to sell and use this technology.

The need for clarity became more pressing when a recent Wall Street Journal article revealed how federal agencies, as well as state and local law enforcement, purchased and used drones made by DJI, a Chinese company with connections to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The U.S. Army and the Department of the Interior grou…….

The lab is staffed with UWF undergraduate and graduate paper readers and tutors who are trained to assist their fellow students with content, manuscript formatting, documentation style and the conventions of writing such as grammar, punctuation and spelling. As students themselves, the lab’s assistants know firsthand how hard it can be to consistently produce quality written work, and what satisfaction they experience from communicating ideas effectively. 

First established in 1976, the lab has grown to its current status as a center of academic change and innovatio…….


This is FRESH AIR. I’m Terry Gross. In the new TV series “Kindred,” a young Black woman gets transported back in time from the present day to the era of slavery. The series, which is now on Hulu, is based on the novel by the acclaimed late science fiction writer Octavia Butler. We’ll hear an interview with her from our archive. But first, we have a review of the new series, which our critic-at-large, John Powers, says nicely captures Butler’s knack for juggling painful realities and hope.

JOHN POWERS, BYLINE: One of the…….

TALLAHASSEE — Lawyers for the federal government asked a federal appeals court on Wednesday to reverse a ruling that invalidated Florida’s attempt to give the Seminole Tribe a monopoly on sports betting in the state.

A three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit heard arguments from lawyers for the U.S. Department of Interior, the State of Florida, the Seminole Tribe and the plaintiffs — West Flagler Associates, which owns Magic City Casino and Bonita Springs Poker Room near Naples. The case could influence how agreements…….

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That type of undisclosed financial arrangement is prohibited in “Hustler Casino Live” games, according to High Stakes Poker Productions. But there was no evidence Lew and the other player shared information about their hands or other players’ hands.

Players who play on “Hustler Casino Live” are now required to sign a waiver agreeing not to have profit-…….

One of the final scenes from “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Clockwise from top: James Stewart, Donna Reed, Carol Coombs, Jimmy Hawkins, Larry Simms and Karolyn Grimes. Herbert Dorfman/Corbis via Getty Images

Frank Capra’s great film released in 1946, at its heart, a love story. It’s about family and the way we overcome disasters and hardships. It’s about hiding from love, until one night, love finds you.

OK, any argument here? You’ve seen it one trillion times, and every time you see it, you see something new.

For example, remember whe…….